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Low interest rate due to compensation from the state


The interest rate may decrease according to job growth


The program is open to both existing and newly established enterprises
Пріоритетні напрямки Програми:
  1. фінансування сільськогосподарських товаровиробників;
  2. фінансування суб’єктів підприємництва, що провадять діяльність у сфері переробної промисловості за всіма КВЕД Секції С, та у сфері тваринництва за всіма класами групи 01.04 КВЕД секції А
    Національного класифікатора України;
  3. відбудова зруйнованих внаслідок військової агресії основних засобів суб’єктів підприємництва, що підтверджується відповідними документами;
  4. підтримка суб’єктів підприємництва, виробничі потужності яких станом на 24 лютого 2022 р. було розміщено на територіях активних бойових дій, територіях активних бойових дій, на яких функціонують державні електронні інформаційні ресурси і тимчасово окупованих РФ територіях України (для яких не визначена дата завершення бойових дій/тимчасової окупації), що включені до переліку територій, на яких ведуться (велися) бойові дії або тимчасово окупованих РФ, затвердженого Мінреінтеграції, на дату укладання або пролонгації кредитного договору шляхом пролонгації діючих кредитів, наданих для фінансування оборотного капіталу за Програмою не довше ніж до 31.12.2025 р.
  5. підтримка компаній, які здійснюють енергосервіс для підвищення енергоефективності об’єктів державної та комунальної власності.

Фінансування може відбуватися і за іншими не забороненими Програмою видами діяльності.

General terms of financing
  • Form of lending
    Credit or credit line
  • Сurrency
  • Maximum limit
    50 million UAH

    For a group of related counterparties in all banks of Ukraine for the duration of the program

  • Loan
    Up to 5 years - for investment loans
    Up to 3 years - for loans to replenish working capital
  • Type of collateral
    Movable or immovable property, other types of collateral, except for property rights under a bank deposit agreement
  • Type and size of interest rate
    Not less than 5% per annum
  • Commission
    Up to 1.5%
  • Own contribution

    For existing business - from 10% of the project amoun

    For newly created business - from 15% of the project amount

  • The purpose of the loan

    Acquisition and/or modernization of fixed assets, vehicles to be used for commercial purposes, except for the acquisition of real estate


    Carrying out construction/reconstruction/repair in premises where the customer conducts economic activity (except for office premises)

    Acquisition of non-residential real estate and/or land plots without the right to lease

    Acquisition of intellectual property rights (franchising)

    Replenishment of working capital up to 25% of the investment project cost

    Restoring, repairing or replacing the energy infrastructure of thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants damaged as a result of hostilities, which is necessary for the stable course of the autumn-winter period of 2023/24

    Or refinancing of loans issued for such purposes

Terms of the loan

For businesses with an annual income of up to UAH 50 million

Provided that at least 2 new employees are hired during the period ending with the first full calendar quarter of the loan

Compensatory interest rate: 5% per annum

For businesses with an annual income of up to UAH 50 million

For each new job, the interest rate is reduced by 0.5% per annum, but not less than 5% per annum

Compensatory interest rate: 7% per annum

For businesses with an annual income over UAH 50 million

For each new job, the interest rate is reduced by 0.5% per annum, but not less than 5% per annum

Compensatory interest rate: 9% per annum


Refinancing of existing debt on SMSE loans in the banks of Ukraine
(subject to compliance with including additional criteria for SMSE)
  • Compensatory interest rate
    3% per annum 
  • Loan
    Up to 5 years
  • Maximum limit
    50 million UAH

    Рer group of related counterparties in all banks of Ukraine for the duration of the program

  • Additional eligibility criteria for SMSE

    Saving at least 50% of the payroll compared to 01.03.2020

    Saving at least 50% of the average number of employees compared to 01.03.2020

Restoring energy infrastructure

Restoring, repairing or replacing the energy infrastructure of thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants damaged as a result of hostilities, as confirmed by a relevant act, necessary for the stable course of the autumn-winter period 2023/24, provided that the generating capacities are operational by the end of the autumn-winter period 2023/24 in accordance with the repair schedules for the main equipment of power plants and combined heat and power plants approved by the Ministry of Energy

  • Currency
  • Maximum limit
    not exceeding UAH 3.6 million per 1 MW of installed capacity, but not more than 90 per cent of the cost of the required financing
  • Term
    up to 10 years

Terms of participation
  • State registration as a legal entity of private law or an individual entrepreneur

  • Participants and the ultimate beneficial owner (controller) is an individual - a resident of Ukraine

  • The annual income from any activity does not exceed the equivalent of EUR 20 million at the time of application, including related companies

  • The total amount of state support for a group of related companies for the last three years may not exceed the equivalent of EUR 200,000

  • Does not fall under the restrictions on state support set out in Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On Development and State Support of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”) (except for SMSE, which are not covered by this rule in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine and within the prescribed period)

  • For newly established enterprises (conducting business for less than 12 months) - experience and business plan for the implementation of the investment project

  • The amount of insignificant state support of a group of related companies in all areas, except for temporary measures aimed at supporting the economy in the context of the spread of COVID-19 for the last three years may not exceed the equivalent of EUR 200,000

  • The amount of eligible state support of a group of related companies in all areas and temporary measures aimed at supporting the economy in the context of the spread of COVID-19 during the quarantine period and 6 months after its abolition may not exceed the equivalent of EUR 400,000 at the exchange rate on the date of quarantine beginning

**The restrictions on state support do not apply during martial law and for enterprises in the energy sector, agricultural manufacturers and fisheries

How to get a loan


To apply at the link


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